When and how did the band get formed, whose idea was it? It’s not obvious that someone suddenly begins to make (or play) such music, can you tell us how you developed since your childhood and when you first came in contact with this style of music?
Blood Axis was originally conceived in 1989, although the first recordings did not appear until a few years later. Also around the same time I joined Boyd Rice's project Non for a period, and I was putting energy into that. Blood Axis was never formed to be a typical music group. We don't care about the record industry or about doing things in any standard way (i.e. releasing albums every year in order to make money, or going on regular tours to help sell the records, etc.) I consider it to be a vehicle for willpower and an outlet for certain creative forces. That is the main intention and sole justification for it.
In the winter of '94/'95 you recorded the debut album "The Gospel of Inhumanity", was it difficult to find a label, were you satisfied about the distribution? Did many people buy this CD?
It wasn't difficult to find a label, as our close friends at Cthulhu Records were interested from the very beginning. I remember mentioning once while I was visiting them in Germany that I had ideas for a new music project, and they immediately expressed enthusiasm to release it, even before I had recorded anything. They did a good job on distribution, and I think interest in the CD also spread by word-of-mouth. For an independent album I think it sold quite decently, especially considering it was never advertised very much or promoted heavily. I know it has sold as well as or better than a number of more well-known groups, so that's a good sign.
The title "The Gospel of Inhumanity", has it a profound meaning, how and from which point of view do we have to interpret it?
The listener must decide for himself or herself how to interpret it. I'm not interested in dictating opinions to anyone.
One member of the band is German, who? Does he live in the states now? How did you find him in the first place?
Markus Wolff, who played drums for us on the European tour in 1998, is German. He was born there but moved to the USA when he was a teenager. I have known him for almost fifteen years; I think he first wrote to me back then as I had an electronic project called Coup de Grâce. Blood Axis is basically comprised of me and whichever other people agree to help for a specific project, such as a tour or for a recording. So the "members" have shifted over the years. Usually Robert Ferbrache is involved, and also Annabel Lee, and then additional contributors have been Markus and Aaron Garland. Everyone else also has their own projects that they work on, for example Annabel has Alraune and Markus releases material as Waldteufel (which Annabel contributes to, as have I also). Robert Ferbrache is a very prolific studio engineer and musician, and has worked with lots of other people, including quite a few famous pop stars, who shall remain nameless...
Quite a while ago you released a 2nd live album, recorded at the 10th anniversary feast of Cold Meat Industry, called "BLOT: Sacrifice in Sweden". How did you manage to obtain the CMI. Trademark? Did you expect this to happen, is this a special opportunity in your career for you?
Roger decided to give the release a special "CMI X" catalogue number since the concert was done for the Cold Meat Anniversary. I wouldn't say it is a "culminating point" for us, because that would imply we are finished. To the contrary, maybe we have only just begun...
It seems odd and not logic that you keep yourself busy with Celtic and Northern/German cultures because you are American, Can you explain the relation between this? What do these cultures mean to you?
It is perfectly logical because all my ancestors came from Northern Europe. Only a few generations ago they were living on European soil. The relation is through blood, and that is far stronger than national borders or geography. Blood is spirit, and spirit transcends all.
Both albums contain music/lyrics from, for example, J.S. Bach, Nietzsche, C. Manson,… The new live CD begins with a spectacular intro, What could you reveal about this? What’s your purpose of using this kind of stuff? Do you want to announce a certain message to the listeners, and to finish this question, which topics does the lyrics handles more?
The voice on the intro speaks about some things worth thinking about, so that is why I used it. Of course we announce a message, doesn't everyone? The question should simply be whether the message rings true. As for the lyrics, I don't think they are confined to any subject in particular, and I'm sure they will expand in breadth in the future.
Your last show of the tour was in Belgium. The gig opened with 2 side-projects, formed by some members of Blood Axis? Which are these side-projects of the band and can you give a short description for each one of them? On which level are they different from eachother?
The two opening performances were Waldteufel (which for this show was Markus, Annabel and myself) and Ernte. Ernte is the project of Willi and Rose, who also were the people behind Cthulhu Records. We also assisted them for the Ernte songs they performed, which were "Sonnenwende" and "Stolze Herzen." Annabel used to be a member of the group Amber Asylum, and she will now release some material under the name Alraune, in addition to her contributions to Blood Axis and Waldteufel.
Indo-European tour 1998, concert in Sintra (Portugal). Picture taken/provided by Mauriçio/Nury of "Alcateia Plásmica association"
Unlike most people know, you represent a certain function in the Church of Satan from La Vey, which function in particular do you have there? Could you tell us something more about this institution, because many think that this church is not so "Black" than most would expect, do you agree? It is certainly not appreciated among the true individual magicians, which do not belief in mass submission. Personally, this is also my opinion about it, but still I wonder why people like you, do submit themselves to this untruthfulness?
I do not have any function in the COS beyond the that I was named a priest by Dr. LaVey, when he was alive. I am not sure what you mean by the word "black" in your second question, so it's hard to give an answer. But I can say that I have not submitted myself to anything, and certainly not something untruthful! The whole crux of the Satanic worldview is to be true to oneself.
What does Baphomet means to you in general? What’s the relation to Paganism according to your philosophy?
Everything has multiple layers of meaning, so to answer a question like this is quite complex. I could talk about the Baphomet historically in relation to the Knights Templar, or about its adoption by modern Satanists, the connections to the Goat of Mendes, etc. Or one can talk about it in a more symbolic sense as representing the forces of nature, or its connection to pagan conceptions, the goat god Pan, etc. As for my own philosophy, I basically view the world in heathen terms.
Indo-European tour 1998, concert in Sintra (Portugal). Picture taken/provided by Mauriçio/Nury of "Alcateia Plásmica association"
Can you name 5 of your favourite bands?
Sangre Cavallum, Camerata Mediolanense, Allerseelen, Scivias, Ain Soph... but there are many others; these are just the first ones that came to mind when you asked the question!
You are the author of a book called "Lords of Chaos", what is this all about? Was there a specific reason to write this?
The book is a chronicle of the "infamous" events relating to the Black Metal scenes in Norway and elsewhere, told through many different interviews and perspectives. People who are interested in the book in Europe can find out more about the book on the Internet at www.feralhouse.com or you can order it through www.Amazon.com There should be a German edition published soon through Prophecy Productions info@prophecyproductions.de and there may be a Swedish edition also.
Last question, what can we expect from Blood Axis in the future… Any last words?
Ave atque Vale!
For more information about Blood Axis, send an IRC to:
STORM, c/o Michael Moynihan, PO box 129, Waterbury Center VT 05677, USA
dominion@pshift.com URL: www.welcome.to/bloodaxis